Looking forward to 2022

I know you’re busy, but I just wanted to take a little time to wish you the best over the holidays and a great New Year!  2021 was… well… no idea how to call it.  Let’s keep the negative things in the rearview mirror and focus on what’s going to be a fantastic 2022!

Time for Reflection… how was 2021/Lessons Learned?

  • Stick with conventions with “comics” or “anime” in the title.

  • Use backwards planning when launching a Kickstarter, check & doublecheck.

  • When you get jargon thrown at you, people assume you know what it means when you often don’t. Ask.

  • People like original art.  

  • Growth is directly proportional to output. Write more, create more, and they will come!

There’s a lot on the plate for 2022!

My ambitions generally outpace what I’m realistically capable of pulling off but…  that’s never stopped me! Here are the goals for 2022:

  1. Spectress & Sabanion, Issue #4 Kickstarter

  2. Ruxy Vampire, Issue #1 Kickstarter

  3. Spectress & Sabanion, Issue #5 Kickstarter

  4. Ruxy Vampire, Issue #2 Kickstarter (if #1 does well)

  5. Spectress & Sabanion, Issue #6 Kickstarter and close the first story arc

  6. Start 2023 w/ a glorious hardcover trade collection of Issues #1 – 6

Can it be done?  I guess we’ll see.  Issue #4 is humming right along.  Here’s page 8, art by Topper Helmers and colors by Wesley Wong:Ruxy Vampire title design by LetterSquids, what do you think?

How about you?

What’s on your plate for 2022?  Please do your best to keep yourself happy, healthy, and safe.  Not sure how much better things are going to get but try to carve out a little place of happiness for yourself and those you love.  Be kind to others, watch a movie, read a comic (S & S, of course, but there are so many other good ones out there too), listen to some music, go for a walk.  Know what’s going on but keep away from too much bad news, especially the things that are out of your control.  Challenge yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Try something new, do something different.  To quote the great Wrath Demon, Sabanion, “Busy hands are happy hands…”

Speaking of music… Click + Enjoy!

Take Care, Merry Christmas, and Happy New year!

The post Looking forward to 2022 appeared first on Kurt Zauer.


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